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Cherokee Nation Gives Lisa Christiansen Priceless Rare Heirloom Seeds

Thank you Cherokee Nation with my most humble gratitude with deepest respect for this priceless gift to myself and our chosen tribal members to keep our culture alive. Remember my post on January 10th about tribal seeds not commercially available? For those who like tangible proof, here it is… TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA — The Cherokee Nation will begin dispersing seeds on February 1 from its limited supply of heirloom seed bank inventory to tribal citizens interested in growing traditional Cherokee crops and plants.

The Cherokee Nation keeps an inventory of seeds from rare breeds of corn, beans, squash, gourds, Trail of Tears beads and tobacco traditionally used for Cherokee customs. The seeds distributed are not available in stores.

In 2014, the tribe distributed seeds to more than 1,500 Cherokee Nation citizens. This year the Cherokee Nation has the largest inventory of heirloom seeds since the program began in 2006 to meet demands.

“THESE ARE VARIETIES OF HEIRLOOM SEEDS THAT CHEROKEES PLANTED AND SUSTAINED LONG BEFORE EUROPEAN CONTACT. THE VARIETIES WE ARE OFFERING THROUGH THE SEED BANK PROGRAM ARE HEALTHY, STRONG AND UNIQUE TO THE CHEROKEE PEOPLE. THAT CULTURAL CONNECTION TO OUR HISTORY IS CRITICAL,” SAID CHEROKEE NATION PRINCIPAL CHIEF BILL JOHN BAKER. “The process of harvesting seeds and passing them down has kept these specific crops sustainable to Cherokee people. It is an essential part of Cherokee heritage, and today it is extremely popular with a new generation of Cherokee growers.”

Cherokee citizen Randy Duncan, of Stilwell, received Georgia candy roaster and corn seeds last year and said growing traditional crops offered an opportunity for him to connect with his roots.

“It’s rewarding to grow and harvest a crop that came directly from our ancestors,” Duncan said.

Citizens are limited to two varieties. To get the seeds, citizens can either make an appointment to pick them up or email their request to to have them sent by mail. Individuals must include a copy of his or her Cherokee Nation tribal citizenship card, proof of age and address.

Rattlesnake Master: Cherokee Usage Rattlesnake Master is known by Cherokee experts as a “warrior’s plant” and as a “survival kit.” The button of the root, when prepared correctly, can be carried as “protection” by those who are called to war. It can also be carried as protection for those who spend a great deal of time in the woods as a source of energy as well as a snake repellent (when a snake is encountered it will move away from you). The root is also a snakebite remedy – apply the fresh root to the snakebite wound and the venom will be detoxified. The tentacles of the root are believed to possess anti- oxidant qualities. The blossoms of Rattlesnake Master were once used to encourage the detachment of the umbilical cord from newborns (a poultice was made and applied to the navel). This plant was likely never widespread, but is now becoming even scarce.

Description Rattlesnake Master is a perennial plant that can grow up to 3’ tall. Its leaves are alternate and linear. They have parallel veins, a leathery texture, and have toothed margins which are sharp-spined. The white flowers end in a terminal umbel and are egg-shaped. When the fruit matures, each fruit will contain two or more seeds.

Trail of Tears Corn Bead: Most of their bean varieties are classified as heirloom. What determines an heirloom variety is open to some question.

Among the definitions are:

• A piece of property that descends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance of real property.

• Something of special value handed on from one generation to another.

• A horticultural variety that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals

One of the most unique crops the Cherokee Nation grows is Cherokee corn beads. These corn varieties grow to be knee-high and the stalks turn various colors, producing beads, which don’t as most people think, come from the corn kernels.

The corn beads are dried and hardened and made into various pieces of ceremonial jewelry. Braided hair, held in place with corn beads is a Cherokee custom that has survived for hundreds of years.

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